interview question and answer

July 6, 2014

Transition from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2010 – Part 1

Although there are many article available on the internet for the subject topic. Thought of publishing one for the same topic, since recently I got request for publishing one. Looking at the current trend there are many small business companies still running Exchange Server 2003 and if they plan to migrate to 2013 the only way is to migrate to 2010.
Current Environment

Single Windows Server 2003 DC
Single Exchange Server 2003 (Member Server)
Single Windows Server 2008 R1 (Member Server 64 Bit)
Preparing the Environment for Exchange Server 2010 Deployment
To begin with we will first prepare the member server. Install all prerequisites as listed here.
Note : Please install the prerequisites based on the operating system listed in the Technet Article.
Preparing the Existing Exchange Environment and Active Directory
Login to Exchange Server 2003 and Confirm that the server is running with Latest Service Packs. Recommended is Service Pack 2. To do that Open ESM and Go to Administrative Groups >> Servers >> Select the Server and go to Properties.
Figure 1 : Service Pack 2
Exchange Organization should be in Native Mode. To confirm that on ESM right click on Exchange Org and go to properties.
Figure 2 : Operation Mode
Please note: Changing operation mode is a one way process. The changes cannot be reverted back under any circumstances. Please understand the business requirement before proceeding further.
Post confirming Exchange now its time to confirm Active Directory Functional Levels.
Login to Domain Controller and Open Active Directory Domains and Trust. Confirm Forest and Domain functional Level. Both should be Windows Server 2003 Functional Level.
Figure 3 : Domain Functional Level
Figure 4 : Forest Functional Level
Please Note : Changing both Forest and Domain Functional Level is a one way process. Please understand the business requirement thoroughly before proceeding further. The changes cannot be reverted back under any circumstances.
Now that we have our exchange and ADS ready to accept Exchange Server 2010. In part 2 will start preparing the forest and installation.

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